Chapter 5 Engagement and Teamwork - Divider Engagement and Teamwork: Divider Photo 1 Engagement and Teamwork: Divider Photo 2

Engagement and Teamwork

Engagement and Teamwork: Photo 1

The Hospital Authority (HA) Head Office maintained constant direct communication with staff representatives through Six Staff Group Consultative Committees and the Central Consultative Committee. Information on topics of concern is also promulgated to HA staff through various channels, including staff newsletter HASLink, new media platforms such as HA Facebook Page and HA YouTube Channel, as well as HA Blog on the intranet.

The HA Chief Executive visited hospitals regularly to meet face-to-face with frontline hospital staff. At the same time, online Staff Letter Box continued to serve as a convenient channel where HA staff express their opinions and ideas. At cluster and hospital levels, Cluster Chief Executives (CCE) and Hospital Chief Executives (HCE) exchanged views with frontline staff through regular meetings, newsletters, CCE or HCE blog, online letterbox and Staff Relations Office hotline. To further enhance staff engagement and communication via modern technology, a mobile application HR App was developed and launched by phases commencing March 2016. This App enables staff to access essential information such as health record, staff welfare benefits and leave status via mobile devices on a timely manner.

HA all along encourages lactating staff to continue breastfeeding upon returning to work after child delivery. Breastfeeding-friendly measures such as provision of private space for lactation and lactation break have been implemented since September 2015.

Engagement and Teamwork: Photo 2

Moreover, the Staff Radi programme provides access to private diagnostic imaging services of Computed Tomography, Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Breast Imaging on a
co-payment basis for eligible serving staff with clinical indications. Eligible family members of serving HA employees, and HA retirees and their spouses can also enjoy this programme starting from 1 April 2016.

As a people-centred organisation, HA organised a wide variety of recreational, sports and family activities throughout the year to promote balanced and healthy lifestyle. Apart from HA Family Day and HA Family Night, family members of our staff were welcome to join selected sports activities such as the HA New Year Run, Dragon Boat Competition cum Fun Day and Sports Meet to share the fun. The 2016 HA New Year Run continued to be one of the most well-received events with an enrolment of over 4,900 staff and family members. Over HK$1 million was raised for HA Charitable Foundation to benefit services for chronically ill patients.

To recognise staff’s dedication and loyalty, which is highly treasured by HA, long service awards and retirement souvenirs are presented every year. Outstanding achievements of individuals and teams were also recognised through HA Outstanding Staff and Teams Award Ceremony held during the Hospital Authority Convention in May 2015. For 2016, five staff and five teams won the awards, while another five staff and five teams were granted Merit Awards.

Engagement and Teamwork Engagement and Teamwork: Photo 3 Engagement and Teamwork: Photo 4


Outstanding Teams:

Engagement and Teamwork: Photo 5


Merit Teams:

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