Chapter 2 Chairman’s Review – Divider Chairman’s Review: Divider Photo 1 Chairman’s Review: Divider Photo 2

Chairman’s Review

Prof John Leong Chi-yan, Chairman

2015 is a very meaningful year to me. I rejoined the Hospital Authority (HA) Board as Chairman in December 2013, which was over two decades after my early service as member of the first term of the HA Board upon its establishment in 1990, and I was deeply honoured to be reappointed as Chairman for another two years in 2015. Most important of all, I am most privileged to have the opportunity to work with our outstanding team of healthcare professionals again for delivering world-class medical services to the people of Hong Kong.

Celebrating 25th Anniversary in 2015-16, HA continued to enhance the scope and quality of public hospital services in Hong Kong through effective application of new technology, evidence-based learning and specialised training. In July 2015, the Hong Kong SAR Government released the Report of the Steering Committee on Review of Hospital Authority. Having regard to the findings of the Review, we assessed our opportunities and developed a three-year Action Plan to guide enhancements in five key areas through over 100 action items, covering management and organisation structure, resource management, staff management, cost effectiveness and service management, and overall management and control.

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Spending just 2.5% of Hong Kong’s GDP, HA serves close to 90% of all inpatient healthcare needs in the territory. Although we are facing challenges including manpower shortage, aging population, and increasing stakeholder expectations, we remain firmly committed to providing quality services to the public.

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I am indebted to all members of the Board, Regional Advisory Committees and Hospital Governing Committees, as well as the co-opted members of functional committees of the Board for their guidance and advice. We were delighted to welcome Mr Ho Wing-yin, Mr Ivan Sze Wing-hang, Ms Priscilla Wong Pui-sze, Mr Jason Yeung Chi-wai and Mr Charlie Yip Wing-tong to the Board in the past year. Their diverse range of expertise and experience has brought fresh perspectives to the Board and new impetus to HA in mapping its future plans. At the same time, I also wish to express my sincere thanks to retired members Mr Cheng Yan-kee, Mrs Margaret Leung Ko May-yee and Mr Patrick Ma Ching-hang for their invaluable contributions over the years. The loss of Mr Andy Lau Kwok-fai who passed away on 17 April 2015 was sad, we all remember in our heart his cheerful smiles and tireless efforts in promoting the interests of patients.

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My sincere gratitude also goes to Legislative Council and District Council members, patient groups and our volunteers. Their efforts play an important role in the steady development of HA. Last, but certainly not least, I must express heartfelt thanks to my about 73,000 colleagues, whose dedication, compassion and professionalism are core to HA’s achievement and reputation as a leading public healthcare provider. By continuing to work together, we will set new heights and excellence in public hospital services in Hong Kong to safeguard the health and well-being of our community.

chairman signature
John Leong Chi-yan

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