
  • About Us
  • Welcome Messages
  • Message from Chairman
  • Message from Chief Executive
  • Introduction
  • Vision, Mission, Values
  • Corporate Governance
  • Hospital Authority Board
  • Membership
  • Administrative and Operational Meeting - Papers
  • Administrative and Operational Meeting - Minutes
  • Hospital Authority Board Meeting – Minutes
  • Hospital Authority Board Meeting – Papers
  • Board Committees
  • Membership & Terms of Reference
  • Hospital Governing Committees
  • Regional Advisory Committees
  • Hong Kong Regional Advisory Committee
  • Membership
  • Minutes
  • Papers
  • Kowloon Regional Advisory Committee
  • Membership
  • Minutes
  • Papers
  • New Territories Regional Advisory Committee
  • Membership
  • Minutes
  • Papers
  • Executive Management
  • Executives
  • Organisation Structure
  • Head Office
  • Clusters
  • Clusters, Hospitals & Institutions
  • Blog 147B
  • Donation to Hospital Authority
  • The Hospital Authority Charitable Foundation
  • Acknowledgement 2022/23
  • Acknowledgement 2023/24
  • Donation to support HA in the combat against COVID-19 (from 2022 onwards)
  • Donation to support HA in the combat against COVID-19 (2020-2021)
  • Hospital Authority Bylaws
  • Service Guides
  • Admission and Hospitalisation
  • Application for Medical Reports
  • Accident & Emergency (A&E)
  • General Out-patient Clinics
  • Specialist Out-patient Clinics
  • Elective Surgery
  • Elective Cataract Surgery
  • Elective Total Joint Replacement Surgery
  • Supplementary Information on Waiting Time
  • Allied Health Services
  • Pharmacy
  • Chinese Medicine Clinics cum Training and Research Centres
  • Patient Resource Centres
  • Clusters, Hospitals & Institutions
  • Hong Kong East Cluster
  • Hong Kong West Cluster
  • Kowloon Central Cluster
  • Kowloon East Cluster
  • Kowloon West Cluster
  • New Territories East Cluster
  • New Territories West Cluster
  • Other Medical Services
  • Day Hospital
  • Geriatric Day Hospitals
  • Psychiatric Day Hospitals
  • Community Medical Service
  • Community Nursing Service
  • Community Geriatric Assessment Team
  • Community Psychogeriatric Team
  • Community Psychiatric Services
  • Palliative Care Service
  • Smoking Counseling and Cessation
  • Mental Handicap Infirmary Service
  • General Infirmary Service
  • The E.A.S.Y. Programme
  • Fees and Charges
  • Fees and Charges
  • Payment Method
  • Samaritan Fund
  • Community Care Fund Medical Assistance Programmes
  • Mechanism of Waiving of Medical Charges
  • For Eligible Persons
  • For Non-Eligible Persons
  • Notice to Patient
  • Special Services
  • Handling of abortuses of less than 24 weeks of gestation
  • Interpretation Service
  • Temporary Storage of Electric Wheelchair
  • Hospital Authority Electronic Medical Certificate
  • Tender Notices
  • Careers
  • Medical
  • Nursing
  • Allied Health
  • Management and other professionals
  • Clerical, Secretarial and Supporting
  • Locum Recruitment
  • HA Global Healthcare Professional Recruitment Centre
  • Opportunities for Non-locally Trained Doctors in HA
  • Opportunities for Clinical Exchange (Medical)
  • Opportunities for Non-locally Trained Nurses in HA
  • Opportunities for Clinical Exchange (Nursing)
  • Allied Health Professionals in HA
  • Opportunities for Non-locally Trained Allied Health Professionals in HA
  • Opportunities for Short-term Experience Scheme (Clinical Observation)
  • Others
  • Useful Links
  • Contact Us
  • Contact Details
  • Hospitals & Institutions
  • Hospital Authority Head Office
  • Code on Access to Information
  • Data Access Request
  • Appreciation, Feedback and Complaints
  • Patients
  • Clusters, Hospitals & Institutions
  • Service Guides
  • Smart Patient Website
  • Patient Resource Centres
  • Patient Support Groups
  • Public Private Partnership
  • HA Drug Formulary
  • Patient Handicraft Website
  • Healthcare Professionals
  • Professional Training
  • Hospital Authority Academy
  • e-Learning Centre
  • Infectious Disease Control Training Centre
  • A&E Training Centre
  • CME for Practising Doctors who are not taking CME Program for Specialists
  • CME Activities
  • HA Convention
  • Training for Doctors
  • Contract Resident Program
  • Conjoint Selection Exercise for Admission to Higher Surgical Training
  • Conjoint Selection Exercise for Admission to Higher Surgical Training (May 2024)
  • Annual Recruitment Exercise for Resident Trainees 2024/25
  • Professional Diploma in Nursing
  • Enrolled Nurse (General) Training Programme(only available in Chinese)
  • Professional Knowledge
  • e-Knowledge Gateway
  • Infectious Disease Control Training Centre
  • Hong Kong Poison Control Centre
  • Hong Kong Poison Control Network
  • Publications
  • CICO’s Biweekly Update
  • Evidence
  • HA Quality and Safety Annual Report
  • HA Risk Alert
  • HA Sentinel & Serious Untoward Events Annual Report
  • Half Yearly Report on Sentinel & Serious Untoward Events
  • Annual Report on Sentinel & Serious Untoward Events
  • Hospital Infection Statistics
  • VRE Statistics
  • 2011
  • 2012
  • 2013
  • Weekly Update
  • 2014
  • Weekly Update
  • 2015
  • Weekly Update
  • 2016
  • Weekly Update
  • 2017
  • Weekly Update
  • 2018
  • Weekly Update
  • 2019
  • Weekly Update
  • 2020
  • Medication Safety Bulletin
  • Quality Times
  • Clinical Ethics
  • HA Guidelines on Advance Care Planning (2019)
  • Research Ethics
  • Professional-related projects
  • Doctor Work Reform
  • Final Report on Doctor Work Reform 2009/10
  • Interim Pilot Review Report on Doctor Work Reform 2008/09
  • Doctor Work Reform Recommendation Report 2007/08
  • Population and Health Statistics
  • HA Statistical Reports
  • Vital Statistics in CHP Website
  • Hong Kong Cancer Registry
  • Data Sharing
  • Overseas Professional Bodies
  • Disciplinary Protection Insurance
  • Local Professional Bodies
  • Community Partnership
  • Community Focus Group
  • Acceptance of Sponsorship (Key Principles and Consideration)
  • Referral Form for HA Specialist Outpatient Service
  • Corporate News
  • Press Releases
  • Contributed Articles
  • Letters to Editor
  • Relevant Publications
  • Special Reports
  • Service Demand Under Monitoring
  • Media Contact
  • Media Reports
  • HA Outstanding Staff & Teams Award Series (Chinese only)
  • Healthpedia, Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) Radio 1 (Chinese only)
  • Health InfoWorld, Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) Radio 2 (Chinese only)
  • Staff / Retiree
  • HA e-Learning Centre
  • HASLink
  • Retiree Corner
  • Staff Compliance Enquiry
  • Staff Login
  • Multimedia
  • Video
  • Photo Album
  • Publication
  • What's New
  • Service Shortcut
  • Clusters, Hospitals & Institutions
  • Accident & Emergency
  • General Out-patient Clinics
  • Specialist Out-patient Clinics
  • Appreciation, Feedback & Complaints
  • Copyright
  • Privacy Policy
  • Linking Policy
  • Disclaimer
  • Terms of Use
  • Web Accessibility
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