To discourage late or non-payment of medical fees, an administrative charge is imposed on late payments of medical fees and charges for medical services provided on or after 1 July 2007.

Administrative charge is applicable to all outstanding medical fees and charges, including Self-financed Items (SFI), drug charges, drug handling charges and Privately Purchased Medical Items (PPMI).

1st Administrative Charge
5% of the outstanding fees overdue for 60 days from issuance of the bills, subject to a cap of $1,000 for each bill

2nd Administrative Charge
An additional 10% on the outstanding fees if the bills remain outstanding 90 days from issuance of the bills, subject to a cap of $10,000 for each bill (excluding unpaid 1st administrative charge)

The maximum total amount of 1st and 2nd administrative charges would be 15% of the outstanding fees, subject to a cap of $11,000. 

For details, please refer to the Gazette – Administrative Charges.