Data Access Request
Under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, a Data Subject or his/her Relevant Person may access/correct his/her Personal Data held by the Hospital Authority and the hospitals and institutions under its management (HA). If you wish to submit a data access request (DAR), you may do so by letter or by completing the DAR form.
Data Access Request Form
HA is required by the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance to comply with a DAR within 40 days after receiving the same. If HA is unable to comply with the DAR within the 40-day period, HA must inform the requestor by notice in writing that HA is so unable and the reasons, and comply with the DAR to the extent it is able to within the same 40-day period and thereafter comply or full comply with it as soon as practicable. When medically necessary, a patient may authorize his/her private medical practitioner to contact HA’s responsible doctor to obtain his/her medical information.
You have to pay for DAR and can refer to the Scale of Fees for details.
Data Access Request - Scale of Fees Applicable from 18.6.2017
DAR for the Personal Data held by only one hospital/institution should be addressed to the Data Controller of that hospital/institution. Individual hospitals/institutions may have their own DAR forms and enquiry may be made to the respective hospital/institution.
Clusters, Hospitals & Institutions
DAR for the Personal Data held by the HA Head Office (HAHO) should be addressed to –
Data Protection Unit,
Hospital Authority Head Office (DPU),
Room 529N, Hospital Authority Building,
147B Argyle Street, Kowloon.
DAR for the Personal Data held by (a) more than one hospital/institution, or (b) HAHO and any one or more hospitals/institutions may be addressed to the DPU or any one of the hospitals/institutions holding the Personal Data.
You may also wish to refer to the Statement on HA’s Data Protection Policy and Practice for Personal Data collected and held by HAHO/hospitals/institutions.
Statement on HA's Data Protection Policy and Practice
Data Protection Unit
Hospital Authority Head Office
18 June 2017