Clusters, Hospitals & Institutions

New Territories East Cluster

Cheshire Home, Shatin

Address 30 A Kung Kok Shan Road, Shatin, NT
Tel. 2636 7288
Fax 2635 1492

Deputizing Hospital Chief Executive

Dr Maria TANG Wing-sze

Hospital Governing Committee

Hospital Governing Committee


Founded by the Hong Kong Cheshire Home Foundation, the Home is an extended care hospital providing infirmary care for severely disabled patients requiring long-term treatment and care, as well as patients from the Central Infirmary Waiting List. It provides them with a wide range of relevant services and a homely setting. Residents are encouraged to participate in the daily management of their own activities and livelihood. A respite service is available for disabled people who live with their families; and halfway accommodation and other assistance are offered to residents whose conditions permit them to re-integrate into the community.

Scope of Services
  • Specialties
    • Physical Rehabilitation / Infirmary

  • Others
    • Speech Therapy
    • Physiotherapy
    • Occupational Therapy
    • Medical Social Work
    • X-Ray
    • Dietetics

Useful Contacts (PDF)

Visiting Hours

Admission & Hospitalisation

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New Territories East Cluster