Hospital Authority Infirmary and Rehabilitation Services for Adults with Severe and Profound Intellectual Disability
I. Introduction
Mental Handicap (MH) infirmary and rehabilitation services were founded in 1972 with an original capacity of 200 beds in Siu Lam Hospital. In order to meet the ever increasing demand of the society, Hospital Authority now provides a total of 520 beds in Siu Lam Hospital. The specialized Intellectual Disability service team provides a unique and integrated infirmary and rehabilitation service for adults with severe and profound intellectual disability. The aims are to improve quality of life, maximize patients’ self-care abilities, improve physical mobility, and treat associated medical or psychiatric conditions like epilepsy or challenging behavior through intensive medical, nursing, prosthetic & orthotic services, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, medical social service and social education training.
In addition, an outreach service team has been set up since 1994, aiming to bridge hospital and community services in order to support the needy adults with severe and profound intellectual disability in the community.
II. Admission Criteria
- Diagnosed with severe or profound grade of mental retardation, and
- Aged 16 or above, and
- Having more than 2 of the following physical disablements:
i. Bed-riddenness;
ii. Epilepsy not well controlled by treatment;
iii. Special feeding process such as tube-feeding;
iv: Severe behavioral problems of a violent nature;
v: Poor physical condition requiring constant nursing care;
vi: Other severe physical disablements.
- Persons inappropriate for applying for this Service:
i: Persons on invasive mechanical ventilation or haemodialysis
III. Services Application Procedure
- Non-government organization, Social Welfare Department and hospital refer patient to the Hospital Authority Head Office (address below) with the following documentation:
- Completed application form &
- Relevant clinical psychologist, social worker, medical, nursing, physiotherapist, occupational therapist and/or school report(s) &
- SWD registration confirmation (if available)^.
- Clinical team arranges an eligibility assessment with the referral agent on the applicant, who is aged 16 or above.
- HAHO informs the referral agent the assessment result and updates the central waiting list as appropriate.
- The referral agent is obligated to provide written notice to update the HAHO any change(s) in condition of the applicant put on the central waiting list.
- Clinical team informs the concerned referral agent when a placement is available, in accordance to the central waiting list. Patient admission would commence immediately to facilitate early admission.
IV. Enquiry
Hospital Authority Head Office
Address: Room 520N, 5/F, Hospital Authority Building, 147B Argyle Street, Kowloon
Tel.: 2300 6298 (Mr. Don NGAN)
Fax: 2194 6882
V. Application Form and other information
Hospital Authority
^ Eligible applicant on the waiting list of Care and Attention Homes of the Social Welfare Department’s Central Referral System for Rehabilitation Services can be put on central waiting list, with application dated back to the Social Welfare Department application date (in the presence of supporting document).