Limited Registration

Limited Registration

To be eligible for Limited Registration, you need to fulfill the following criteria:
  1. are of good character and have good professional conduct;
  2. have completed a pre-qualification nursing programme of normally not less than three years;
  3. possess a valid certificate to practise nursingNote 1 issued by such certifying body as may be recognised by the Nursing Council of Hong Kong (NCHK) from time to time as constituting sufficient evidence of his/her competency to practise nursing at the time of his/her application;
  4. have at least one year of full-time post-qualification clinical experience that is relevant to the employment offered; and
  5. have been selected for full-time employment as a person with limited registration in a designated institution

limited pathway
Note 1: The certificate to practise nursing must be valid at the time of application. The NCHK will not process any application that fails to produce such document
Note 2: Hong Kong Permanent Resident
Note 3: Pre-qualification nursing programme for registration should be normally not less than 3 years. For the required training hours and contents, please refer to “A Reference Guide to the Syllabus of Subjects and Requirements for the Preparation of Registered Nurse (General) in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region” at the NCHK website
Note 4: The Nursing Council of Hong Kong

For details, please refer to the NCHK website.