Committees - Membership & Terms of Reference


Audit and Risk Committee

  • Mr Anthony TSANG Hin-fun
  • The Hon Duncan CHIU
  • Mr Ambrose HO, SBS, SC, JP
  • Mr Henry TONG Sau-chai, BBS, MH, JP
  • Mr Philip TSAI Wing-chung, BBS, JP
  • Dr Thomas TSANG Ho-fai, BBS
In attendance

  • Mr Thomas CHAN Chung-ching, JP
    Permanent Secretary for Health

  • Dr Tony KO Pat-sing, JP
    Chief Executive, Hospital Authority

Terms of Reference (PDF)


Development and Works Committee

  • Mr WAN Man-yee, BBS, JP
  • Dr CHAN Man-wai
  • Mr Nelson CHENG Wai-hung
  • Mr Sam HUI Chark-shum, JP
    [representing the Permanent Secretary for Health]
  • Mr Anthony HUI Tai-shun

  • Dr Tony KO Pat-sing, JP
    Chief Executive, Hospital Authority
  • Mr Daniel LAM Chun, SBS, JP
  • Mrs Sylvia LAM YU Ka-wai, SBS
  • Mr Ricky LEUNG Wing-kee
  • Ir Vincent TONG Wing-shing, BBS
  • Mr Anthony TSANG Hin-fun
  • Dr Thomas TSANG Ho-fai, BBS
  • Mr Rick TSUI Hin-fai
  • Ir Billy WONG Wing-hoo, BBS, JP

Terms of Reference (PDF)


Executive Committee

  • Mr Henry FAN Hung-ling, SBS, JP
  • Mr CHAN Wing-kai

  • Ms Margaret CHENG Wai-ching, JP

  • The Hon Duncan CHIU
  • Dr Tony KO Pat-sing, JP
    Chief Executive, Hospital Authority

  • Mrs Sylvia LAM YU Ka-wai, SBS

  • Prof David SHUM Ho-keung

  • Mr Philip TSAI Wing-chung, BBS, JP

  • Mr Anthony TSANG Hin-fun

  • Dr Thomas TSANG Ho-fai, BBS

  • Mr WAN Man-yee, BBS, JP

Terms of Reference (PDF)


Emergency Executive Committee


  • Mr Henry FAN Hung-ling, SBS, JP
    (In his absence, the Emergency Executive Committee chairmanship should be elected among its standing members)

  • Mr Thomas CHAN Chung-ching, JP
    Permanent Secretary for Health
    (or his nominated representative)
  • Mr CHAN Wing-kai
  • Ms Margaret CHENG Wai-ching, JP
  • The Hon Duncan CHIU
  • Dr Tony KO Pat-sing, JP
    Chief Executive, Hospital Authority
    (In his absence, the Deputising CE)

  • Mrs Sylvia LAM YU Ka-wai, SBS
  • Prof David SHUM Ho-keung

  • Mr Philip TSAI Wing-chung, BBS, JP
  • Mr Anthony TSANG Hin-fun
  • Dr Thomas TSANG Ho-fai, BBS
  • Mr WAN Man-yee, BBS, JP

Terms of Reference (PDF)


Finance Committee

  • Mr Philip TSAI Wing-chung, BBS, JP
  • The Hon Duncan CHIU
  • Ms Anita FUNG Yuen-mei, BBS, JP
  • Ms Mary HUEN Wai-yi, JP
  • Mr Sam HUI Chark-shum, JP
    [representing the Permanent Secretary for Health]
  • Dr Tony KO Pat-sing, JP
    Chief Executive, Hospital Authority

  • Mr Aaron LIU Kong-cheung, JP/Miss Pinky WONG Nga-ping
    [representing the Secretary for Financial Services & the Treasury]
  • Mr Anthony TSANG Hin-fun

Terms of Reference (PDF)


Human Resources Committee

  • Ms Margaret CHENG Wai-ching, JP
Vice Chairman
  • Prof Agnes TIWARI Fung-yee
  • Ms Ellen CHAN Sheung-man
    [representing the Permanent Secretary for Health]
  • Prof CHAN Wai-yee
  • Prof Philip CHIU Wai-yan
  • Ms Maisy HO Chiu-ha, BBS, JP

  • Dr Tony KO Pat-sing, JP
    Chief Executive, Hospital Authority

  • Mr Matthew KWOK Pui-ho

Terms of Reference (PDF)


Information Technology Services Committee

  • The Hon Duncan CHIU
  • Mr CHAN Wing-kai
  • Mr Raymond CHENG Siu-hong
  • Prof Herbert CHIA Pun-kok, JP
  • Ms Anita FUNG Yuen-mei, BBS, JP
  • Mr Sam HUI Chark-shum, JP
    Deputy Secretary for Health 1
  • Dr Tony KO Pat-sing, JP
    Chief Executive, Hospital Authority
  • Mr Matthew KWOK Pui-ho
  • Mrs Sylvia LAM YU Ka-wai, SBS
  • Prof LAU Chak-sing, BBS, JP
  • Dr Charleston SIN Chiu-shun
  • Mr WAN Man-yee, BBS, JP
  • Ir Tony WONG Chi-kwong, JP
    Commissioner for Digital Policy

Terms of Reference (PDF)


Main Tender Board

  • Prof David SHUM Ho-keung
  • Mr Gregory LEUNG Wing-lup, SBS
  • Mr Ivan SZE Wing-hang, BBS, JP
Ex-officio Members
  • Dr Tony KO Pat-sing, JP
    Chief Executive, Hospital Authority
    (or his nominated representative)
  • Ms Anita CHAN
    Director (Finance) or her nominated representative


Two of the following members on rotation:
  • Mr Lawrence CHAN Man-yiu
  • Prof CHAN Wai-yee
  • Mr Stanley CHEUNG Tak-kwai
  • Prof Philip CHIU Wai-yan
  • Prof Joanne CHUNG Wai-yee
  • Ms Anita FUNG Yuen-mei, BBS, JP
  • Mr Ambrose HO, SBS, SC, JP
  • Ms Maisy HO Chiu-ha, BBS, JP
  • Ms Mary HUEN Wai-yi, JP
  • Mr JAT Sew-tong, SBS, SC, JP
  • Mr Matthew KWOK Pui-ho
  • Prof LAU Chak-sing, BBS, JP
  • Dr LAU Chau-ming
  • Dr James LAU Chi-wang, BBS, JP
  • Mr William LEUNG Shu-yin
  • Mr Wilson MOK Yu-sang
  • Prof Agnes TIWARI Fung-yee
  • Mr Alec TONG Chi-chiu
  • Mr Henry TONG Sau-chai, BBS, MH, JP
  • Ir Vincent TONG Wing-shing, BBS
  • Mr WAN Man-yee, BBS, JP
  • Mr David WONG Tat-kee
  • Ir Billy WONG Wing-hoo, BBS, JP
  • Prof ZHANG Zhang-jin

Terms of Reference (PDF)


Medical Services Development Committee

  • Dr Thomas TSANG Ho-fai, BBS
Vice Chairman
  • Prof CHAN Wai-yee
  • Mr Thomas CHAN Chung-ching, JP
    Permanent Secretary for Health
  • Mr CHAN Wing-kai
  • Prof Philip CHIU Wai-yan

  • Dr Tony KO Pat-sing, JP
    Chief Executive, Hospital Authority

  • Mr Matthew KWOK Pui-ho

  • Prof LAU Chak-sing, BBS, JP

  • Dr Teresa LI Mun-pik, JP
    [representing the Director of Health]

  • Mr Aaron LIU Kong-cheung, JP/Miss Pinky WONG Nga-ping
    [representing the Secretary for Financial Services & the Treasury]

  • Prof David SHUM Ho-keung

  • Prof Agnes TIWARI Fung-yee
  • Mr WAN Man-yee, BBS, JP
  • Prof ZHANG Zhang-jin

Terms of Reference (PDF)


Public Complaints Committee

  • Mr CHAN Wing-kai
Vice Chairman
  • Mr JAT Sew-tong, SBS, SC, JP
  • Ms Rebecca CHAN Chui-mi
  • Mr Raymond CHAN Kwan-tak

  • Mr Vincent CHAN Wing-shing, MH

  • Rev Dr Andrew CHOI Chung-ho

  • Dr CHUNG Chin-hung
  • Prof Sylvia FUNG Yuk-kuen, BBS
  • Mr Herman HUI Chung-shing, GBS, MH, JP
  • Mr Joe KWOK Jing-keung, SBS, FSDSM
  • Mr KWOK Leung-ming, SBS, CSDSM
  • Mr Daniel LAU Kim-hung
  • Prof LI Chi-kong, JP
  • Mr LIU Sui-biu
  • Prof Joseph LUI Cho-ze
  • Ms Manbo MAN Bo-lin, MH
  • Mr Simon MOK Sai-man, MH
  • Mr Raymond NG Kwok-ming, IDS
  • The Hon TANG Fei, MH
  • Mr Hermes TANG Yi-hoi, SBS, CDSM, CMSM, JP
  • Mr Frederick TONG Kin-sang
  • Prof William TSANG Wai-nam
  • Mr Paul WU Wai-keung
  • Ms Agnes Garman YEH

Terms of Reference (PDF)


Staff Appeals Committee

  • Mr Lawrence LEE Kam-hung, BBS, JP
  • Ms Margaret CHENG Wai-ching, JP
  • Mr Ambrose HO, SBS, SC, JP

  • Mr Henry TONG Sau-chai, BBS, MH, JP

  • Mr WONG Kwai-huen, SBS, JP

Terms of Reference (PDF)


Supporting Services Development Committee

  • Mrs Sylvia LAM YU Ka-wai, SBS
  • Ms Ellen CHAN Sheung-man
    [representing the Permanent Secretary for Health]
  • Dr Tony KO Pat-sing, JP
    Chief Executive, Hospital Authority
  • Dr James LAU Chi-wang, BBS, JP
  • Prof Agnes TIWARI Fung-yee
  • Ir Vincent TONG Wing-shing, BBS
  • Mr Philip TSAI Wing-chung, BBS, JP
  • Mr Anthony TSANG Hin-fun
  • Mr WAN Man-yee, BBS, JP
  • Ir Billy WONG Wing-hoo, BBS, JP

Terms of Reference (PDF)