
The Convention Organising Committee would like to thank you for participating in this year’s Convention.  To enhance the value of the event and the content of the topics covered, we would like to seek your views and comments on the convention programme and associated logistics.  Please take a minute to complete the questionnaire and award a grading for each question.  Your views and comments are always welcome.

Main Programme Very Good Good Satisfactory Could be better *Disappointing
1. Choice of Convention theme and subthemes
2. Choice of speakers
3. Choice of topics covered
4. Format of Presentation
Suggestions for Improvement
Abstract submission and presentation Very Good Good Satisfactory Could be better *Disappointing
5. Submission procedures
6. Results notification
7. Logistics for presentations
8. Cyber-space presentations
Suggestions for Improvement
Convention logistics Very Good Good Satisfactory Could be better *Disappointing
9. Convention web site / applications for i-phone & e-notices
10. Registration and payment arrangement
11. Audio-visual and other facilities
12. Registration for professional accreditation
Suggestions for Improvement

*Please provide suggestions for Improvement

Once again, we would like to thank you for taking time in completing this questionnaire. Your views will definitely help us to plan a better convention next year. Please keep track of the Hospital Authority Convention 2017 at ( soon.  We hope to see you again at the next convention.