Opportunities for Short-term Experience Scheme (Clinical Observation)

According to the prevailing regulations, hospitals under the HA do not offer clinical placement or internship to overseas Allied Health students who are not allowed to have clinical practice on patients. However, individual hospitals may offer short-term observational opportunities (one to two weeks) to Allied Health students, provided that such arrangement are feasible in consideration of hospital operation, staffing and service capacity.

Who are suitable to join the Scheme?
Required documents:
Hong Kong Residents Non-Hong Kong Residents
  1. CV / Resume
  2. Identify proof from current university, such as copy of Student ID Card / letter issued by the university
  3. Proof of insurance coverage during the attachment period, if available
  4. Valid infection control training (within 24 months)
  1. CV / Resume
  2. Identify proof from current university, such as copy of Student ID Card / letter issued by the university
  3. Proof of insurance coverage during the attachment period, if available
  4. Valid infection control training (within 24 months)
  5. Training VISA for non-HK residents: *
Online Application for Entry for Training in Hong Kong

*The Hospital Authority would provide assistance and the related documents to facilitate the application of training VISA.

How does this work?