Donation to Hospital Authority

The mission of the Hospital Authority (HA) is to help the people of Hong Kong stay healthy through the provision of a wide range of health services. While its major source of support is from the HKSAR Government, the HA partners with private health service providers, corporations, charitable foundations, NGOs and the general public in striving to fulfil its mission. HA encourages public participation in health system through community health activities, volunteering and donations.

Donations to HA every year has played an important role to help supplement funding for health services and projects. These include direct assistance to needy patients, support of patient groups, purchase and replacement of equipment, capital works, pilot and innovative services, training, and health education activities. Donation to HA would be used solely to help the needy, with recurrent and administrative costs usually absorbed by HA.

The HA has set up different channels through which interested donors could contribute, including the Hospital Authority Charitable Foundation, and trust funds and charitable foundations under service clusters and hospitals. Donors could also donate directly to hospitals of their choice. Please join us to help the sick and needy and build a healthy Hong Kong!

Donation to support Hospital Authority in the combat against Coronavirus Disease 2019

Since the outbreak of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), the Hospital Authority, as a major provider of the public healthcare services in our city, has been working hard to tackle the fierce challenge of the pandemic. At the same time, we have received enthusiastic support from the community to support HA and its staff in the efforts. We are deeply thankful for the generosity of all.